While vision problems do not directly cause learning disabilities, they do interfere with the process of learning and can impede remedial efforts. Visual skills, far beyond 20/20 eyesight, provide the foundation for learning to take place.
Due to similar symptoms, an undetected visual dysfunction can be misdiagnosed as ADD/ADHD, dyslexia or a reading disability. A comprehensive eye exam, which rules out a binocular vision dysfunction, is critical to determining if vision is a contributing factor.
Workplace efficiency and different areas of learning can be impacted by visual dysfunctions, which encompass a large group of diagnoses, such as:
• Convergence Insufficiency: The eyes do not turn inward properly when focusing on a near object.
• Strabismus: One or both eyes will turn in or out more frequently under visual stress.
• Amblyopia (lazy eye): One or both eyes cannot be corrected to see 20/20 due to lack of visual development.
• Eye Movement Disorders: Poor ocular motor control of smooth tracking and shifts in fixations.
• CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome): One of the fastest growing health concerns in the workplace. Excessive computer use can induce eyestrain, headaches and/or reduction in quality of life.
• Poor Binocular Coordination (Eye Teaming): The two eyes do not team well, which contributes to many early developmental delays in visual motor, visual auditory and vestibulo-ocular development.
Many times the above conditions cannot be treated with glasses, contact lenses or patching alone, and an optometric vision therapy program is required.

Lutz Office
(813) 345-8544
24444 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33559
Oldsmar Office